

Robert Oldershaw
2 min readNov 15, 2017

(Inspired by reading Breakfast With Budda)


1. Work towards a serious and personal relationship with nature simply by observing and appreciating the beauty, complexity and unity of whatever parts of Nature are available (mountain vista or single tree).


2. Avoid excesses of all types; strive for moderation.

3. Cultivate calmness; as The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy exhorts: “Don’t panic!”

4. Avoid rushing; try to maintain a comfortable pace and a one-step-at-a-time philosophy.

5. Minimize worrying, dithering and obsessing.

6. Avoid cluttering the mind with babble, junk ideas, downer ideas, commercial TV, trash radio, internet banalities, “talking heads”, assorted demagogues, and the tinfoil hat crew.

7. Take brief “official” timeouts to recharge, e.g., naps, exercise/sports, meditation, listening to good music, communing with nature, or just being.


8. Anger is almost always inappropriate (sadness — ok, disappointment — ok, anger — no).

Anger and meanness hurt all parties involved, especially those feeling and projecting it.

9. Understand why people act “badly” and understand their limited ability to change quickly. Real change takes time and persistence. Offer encouragement, not shame.

10. Don’t tell others how to be; concentrate on being who you want to be. Teach by example.

11. Critical thinking –yes! Judgmental thinking — no. There is a big difference.

12. Avoid perfectionism. Instead: always try to choose the right path, and always try to avoid the wrong path. It should get easier to differentiate the two with time.




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