All Freedoms Come With Responsibilities
Response to Alex:
For example, in America we have freedom of expression, but not the freedom to yell “fire!”in a crowded theater. We have the right to bear arms, but not to bear bazookas, machine guns, rocket launchers, etc.
We have the freedom to do what we want, as long as it does not do serious harm to others. That second part, the qualifier, is the part that the yahoos among us seem to be oblivious to.
Some poorly educated people say they should have the right and freedom not to vaccinate their children. I would say that right is invalid because they are almost certainly doing serious harm to both their children and their communities. They may be ignorant of the science that most people understand, or trust the medical profession to understand for them. Ignorance may be bliss for some, but ignorance of the sensible, evidence-based limits to their rights/freedom is no excuse.