ANTI-VAX: A Simple Message
You believe that your right of individual freedom to make public health choices trumps the right (duty) of the government to prevent individuals from putting everyone else at well-documented risk. In this you are wrong. This is wrong legally and morally, Also, you are being self-centered to a worrisome degree.
You seem to believe the limited, cheery-picked, information purporting to support your anti-vax position is stronger than an extremely large and experimentally supported body of scientific evidence showing that vaccination is safe, effective and necessary for public health. I can only conclude that such an attitude is borne of paranoia, or group hysteria, or magical thinking.
Surely you have some knowledge of the pre-vaccination history for the human race. Do you wish to return to misery and early death, especially for the young? I cannot believe you want to live in a Medieval world in terms of health, and force the rest of us to do so too.
My understanding is that no reputable organized religion supports your highly personal and idiosyncratic views.
You have been duped by sketchy demagogues and your own weakness for conspiracy/anti-government fantasies.
Do the rest of humanity a favor — deprogram yourselves.