Conceptual Elegance Has A Proven Track Record
General Relativity may be quite complicated mathematically, but it is conceptually elegant to a remarkable degree.
The modern Solar System model may be quite complicated mathematically and in detail, in fact one needs to add deterministic chaos to the mix for long-term analysis, but compare its conceptual elegance to the pathetic Ptolemaic pseudoscience.
Then take the Lambda Cold Dark Matter model (LCDM). It is a just-so story that lacks conceptual elegance and keeps failing empirical tests.
Recent research on the distribution and kinematics of small satellite galaxies orbiting larger galaxies shows that they orbit in a coordinated manner and in a planar configuration. LCDM predicted random satellite galaxy motions and orientations. The new research incisively questions the current Lambda Cold Dark Matter cosmological paradigm, the self-validating cosmological simulations based on the LCDM, and our surprisingly inadequate galaxy formation models.
We should look for conceptual evidence in cosmology, and agreement with predicted empirical results.