Robert Oldershaw
1 min readNov 10, 2016

The filamentary “web” that we observe on very large scales has unmistakable fractal properties and is highly reminiscent of the distribution of charged particles in a fully ionized plasma.

This fits in nicely with Discrete Scale Relativity’s reinterpretation of the Big Bang in terms of a Metagalactic Scale analogue of a Stellar Scale supernova, wherein galaxies play the role of the fully ionized particles.

In this model our observable universe constitutes only a very small and expanding volume deep within the Metagalactic Scale supernova. The global expansion we observe, the additional “peculiar” velocities of galaxies, and the galactic matter distribution in a fractal plasma-like web, all are consistent with the Metagalactic Scale type-II supernova model.

DSR also provides a credible candidate for the Dark Matter and this candidate (stellar-mass primordial black holes) has hard observational evidence supporting it, unlike the mythical particle candidates, which have been chronic no-shows for 45 years.

No one seems to give a rat’s ass, but I’ll bet one day the theoreticians will stand slack-jawed and quote Wheeler: ‘how could we have missed something so simple and beautiful and obvious for so long?”.

Robert L. Oldershaw

Discrete Scale Relativity/Fractal Cosmology




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