The real hoax

Donald Trump Jr. Says It All!

Currently the USA is suffering through another major surge in Covid-19 infections, with a death toll approaching 250,000 deaths. That’s right — a quarter of a million. We are averaging 1,000 deaths per day and have been for quite a while. And what does mini-me Don Jr. mindlessly opine?

“Why aren’t they talking about deaths?” Trump Jr. whined to Laura Ingraham about the media on Thursday night, before answering his own question: “Because the number is almost nothing. Because we’ve gotten control of this thing.”

He, like his father, can claim either ignorance or chronic mendacity, but the facts speak the truth. The current administration has failed in an epic manner when it comes to the pandemic, and this has led to an epic fail for our economy. The 1% are doing quite nicely, but the rest of us are living in a hellish real world.



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