DSR’s Metagalactic Scale Precursor Object
Hold on to your socks!
Discrete Scale Relativity research suggests that the precursor to the Big Bounce involved a Metagalactic Scale analog of a Red Giant star. It’s pre-collapse radius would be roughly 3 x 10⁴⁸ cm, or on the order of a million trillion trillion light-years.
When the Metagalactic System collapsed, in analogy to what Red Giants do, it produces a rather impressive slow-motion Bang and leaves at least one quasar-like object (analogous to a neutron star or black hole), but this quasar is unimaginably bigger than any quasar we observe. It is also well outside of our observable universe, which is a nearly infinitesimal bubble within the expanding ejecta.
Further details can be found at “Galactic Scale Self-Similarity” on the website linked below.