Exoplanet Mass Function Prediction
This prediction was made before the first exoplanet was discovered.
Discrete Scale Relativity predicts that the exoplanet mass function will have a primary peak at 8 x 10^–5 solar masses, or about the mass of Neptune. There are not yet quite enough representative exoplanet mass data to fully test this prediction, but the inferred mass spectrum for exoplanets with periods less than 100 days is strongly peaked at roughly the mass of Neptune [M. Mayor and D. Queloz, New Astronomy Reviews, 56(1), 19–24, 2012; Figure 7]. Also, the Kepler mission has found that the thousands of candidate exoplanets it has identified so far have a radius function that is strongly peaked in the Neptune range.
For more definitive predictions of Discrete Scale Relativity see: http://www.academia.edu/2917630/Predictions_of_Discrete_Scale_Relativity .