“Global Warming”: Way Too Tepid!
We need to call what has been going on for decades what it really is: Global Poisoning.
Sure climate change caused by humans pumping carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere is a huge problem. But then there are a vast number of other pollutants that are routinely dumped into our ecosystems, like polyfluoroalkyl substances, mercury, lead, other heavy metals, oil spills, endocrine disruptors, radionuclides, etc., etc. The list of human-made insults to our planet is very long.
We are cutting down old growth forests, burning up crucial carbon sinks, trashing and over-fishing the oceans, using up potable water resources at unsustainable rates, etc.
What we have is koyaanisquatsi: an insane way of life that necessitates a radical change. The first step back toward sanity is to admit that we are the problem. It is our irresponsible desires, behavior and complicity that have allowed things to get out of control. The second step is to demand change by those who put money and investor placation ahead of the health of the Earth and its inhabitants. The third step is to put some sharp teeth into step 2 by means of strict regulations and real penalties for non-compliers. For example, if a company pollutes an environment, then the company must pay a steep penalty and clean up their problem. If that means that they go bankrupt, or repeat offenders need some jail time to learn their lesson, then so be it.
Business as usual is slow, but accelerating, suicide. Those who bang the libertarian drum (demanding that everyone should do whatever they want) should ask themselves if living in a garbage dump and dying of thirst, malnutrition and disease is their definition of “liberty”.