Lagrangian for the Standard Model

Good Review Of “Lost In Math”

Robert Oldershaw


Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder has written a new book critiquing the current state of theoretical physics based around interviews with theoretical physicists who played major roles in the development of the standard model of particle physics, string theory and supersymmetry. A succinct review of the book that includes some very informative statements from four leaders of the field can be found here: .

Dr. Hossenfelder considers that the situation is dire enough that perhaps it is time to bring philosophers into the discussion. To the extent that those philosophers are natural philosophers who have an abiding love for the wisdom of nature, rather than the siren song of mathematics, I heartily agree.

Theoretical physics has become lost in a fog of abstraction and it is time to return to the objective study nature, unencumbered by unwarranted assumptions. Only then will the path to unifying General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics be identified.



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