Hey Jim Jordan- What About Life!

Robert Oldershaw
2 min readApr 16, 2021

Your unfortunate interactions with Dr. Fauci on several recent occasions prompt me to point out to you that the Founders stated, in addition to the idea that “all men are created equal”, that ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness” were “unalienable Rights”.

In harassing Dr. Fauci about the science that strongly recommends obvious restrictions on public behavior if we want to end the pandemic that has already killed about 565,000 of our citizens to date, you repeatedly whine that liberty is being infringed by masking, distancing, shut-downs, etc. But what about LIFE!? The previous administration and vocal members of your party seem to have forgotten that the Founders put “LIFE” first in that iconic phrase. Is making money and pursuing various forms of self-interest on the part of individuals more important than the lives of hundreds of thousands (possibly many more) people?

I realize that your electoral “base” and your campaign funders want you to be an attack demagogue for their various causes. But Dr. Fauci is a mensch. He is a patriotic American and a damn good infectious disease scientist. You would do well to emulate him in his honesty, integrity and temperament.

PS: the “no coat” look, which is supposed to indicate a willing to “roll up one’s sleeves” and get down to work, is a bit ironic for a very vocal member of the party of “NO!” The majority of Americans want serious progress on gun regulation, environmental issues, decreasing the grotesque income inequality, crumbling infrastructure, improving a mediocre health care system,…

Please stop the demagoguery, and get to work on making our America live up to its ideals. Be a mensch, and a leader.



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