I know about thinking and science.
70. Discrete Scale Relativity And SX Phoenicis Variable Star
International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 1(2), 38–43, June 2011.
69. An Infinite Fractal Cosmos
Journal of Cosmology 4, 674–677, 2009.
68. Critical Test Of The Self-Similar Cosmological Paradigm: Anomalously Few Planets Orbiting Low-Mass Red Dwarf Stars
New Advances in Physics 3(2), 55–59, 2009.
The incidence of planetary systems orbiting red dwarf stars with masses < 0.4 M¤ provides a crucial observational test for the Self-Similar Cosmological Paradigm. The discrete self-similarity of the paradigm mandates the prediction of anomalously few planets associated with these lowest mass red dwarf stars, in contrast to conventional astrophysical assumptions. Ongoing observational programs are rapidly collecting the data necessary for testing this prediction and preliminary results are highly encouraging.
67. The Proton As A Kerr-Newman Black Hole
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics 6(22), 167–170, 2009.
The general equation governing the mass, spin and angular momentum of a Kerr-Newman black hole applies equally well to a proton when the gravitational coupling constant predicted by a discrete fractal paradigm is used in the equation, along with the standard mass, spin and angular momentum of the proton.
66. Meaning of the Fine Structure The Constant
Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, submitted, December 2007.
The SSCP’s discrete fractal scaling rules lead to a simple and natural explanation for the 80-year mystery of the meaning of the atomic scale fine structure constant.
65. Hadrons As Kerr-Newman Black Holes
Journal of Cosmology 6, 1361–1374, 2010.
Subatomic particles such as the proton and the alpha particle are modeled in terms of black holes. Discrete self-similar scaling indicates that the gravitational interaction within Atomic Scale systems is stronger by a factor of 1038 when compared to conventional Stellar Scale gravitational interactions. These ideas are successfully tested by retrodicting the mass of the proton and the radius of the alpha particle.
64. Discrete Scale Relativity
Astrophysics and Space Science, 311(4), 431–433, December 2007.
The fundamental implications of discrete cosmological self-similarity are considered. In the case of exact self-similarity General Relativity’s Principle of General Covariance must be extended to include covariance with respect to cosmological Scale transformations. A further generalization of Einstein’s relativity program, which incorporates the discrete scale invariance of the SSCP, is proposed.
… @ http://www3.amherst.edu/~rloldershaw/
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