Ignore Science At Your Own Peril!
Those who turn up their noses at the evidence-based reasoning of experts, and who lack the crucial skill of critical thinking, are making very bad choices and paying the consequences.
That anti-science, anti-vax, “government is the problem”, ‘who needs a brain when you can trust your gut’, and associated conspiracy quackery are so prevalent today is a sad commentary on America. Bad government is the problem. Good government is the solution. Just look at New Zealand, or several Scandinavian countries.
We need to change (or reinstate) the fundamental rules so that all Americans can reap the benefits, not just the super-wealthy. Start with the bizarre tax code and its egregious loopholes; punish polluters in a way that really hurts and dissuades them (like jail-time); reinstate honest unions and genuine living wages; offer universal health care like the rest of the civilized world, make gerrymandering illegal, limit campaign contributions and make them totally transparent (reverse Citizens United!), etc.
And yes Scarlet, sometimes there is poetic justice in this world.