Invoke 25th Amendment?

In 2016 the majority of Americans deemed it obvious that Dumpster Fire Don was unfit to serve as President. They could see that a narcissistic self-dealing bully who regards the 99% of us as a bunch of patsies and losers was not going to be what this country needed.

Now in the aftermath of his failed attempt to gain a second term, his behavior has become disturbingly erratic, and in the view of knowledgeable experts in the areas of health, foreign policy and mental disorders, potentially dangerous.

Perhaps it is time for a bipartisan group of objective leaders to consider invoking the 25th amendment as a way to usher the Don out of the White House and into a safer place before his tantrums lead us toward even greater grief than the country has already experienced. The vindictiveness of this disgraceful individual apparently knows no bounds.

Perhaps just the threat of a 25th amendment invocation would get him to slip out the back door and high-tail it for a country without an extradition treaty.

What a year!



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