Key Prediction of Discrete Scale Relativity
Discrete Scale Relativity definitively predicted [Astrophysical Journal 322, 34–36, 1987] the dark matter mass spectrum: main peaks are at 8 x 10^–5 solar mass (M), 0.145 M and 0.580 M. The objects are ultracompact Kerr-Newman systems (stable ultracompact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations). The full range of the stable stellar-mass dark matter objects is 0.145 M to roughly 35 M. The dark matter mass range is reasonably consistent with MACHO microlensing results and LIGO gravitational results. The dark matter is definitely not composed of subatomic particles [See: arXiv:astro-ph/0002363v1 ]. Also see: “The case for primordial black holes as dark matter” by M.R.S. Hawkins, available at , and “Seven Hints For Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter” by S. Clesse and J. Garcia-Bellido, available at .
If this prediction continues to be borne out and is vindicated, then we are virtually guaranteed a radical revolution in cosmology.