Let us keep in mind the BICEP-2 “discovery” of inflation-related gravitational waves, the popping of champagne corks, the talk of Nobel prizes, and then the utter crash and burn of that “discovery”.
Sometimes it takes weeks, months or even years to determine exactly what has and/or has not been observed. Everything is hyped these days. Let’s not rush to judgement, but wait for objective scientific assessment.
From a brief Science piece on this research: “Both experiments have pros and cons, says John Teufel, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. The entanglement of Gröblacher’s beams was short-lived, but it was detected with certainty. Sillanpää’s entanglement was longer-lasting, but his team needed a complicated chain of theoretical reasoning to infer that the drum heads’ motions were truly entangled. “Ideally what you’d want … is a little bit of both,” Teufel says. Regardless, he says, the results are “very exciting first steps.”