Sad About Bernie, But Ready to Support Biden
What I wrote below the heavy line no longer applies to our goal of getting rid of Dumpster Fire Don. Bernie scared off too many people. Talk of revolution, the inability of many to understand the difference between democratic socialism and classical socialism , unfortunate comments on Cuba (even if technically quite accurate), etc., doomed Bernie’s bid for the nomination. Time for those who value real American democracy to rethink the best way to achieve our goal of taking back the country from the inept, anti-science, profits-over-people jerks who are the puppets of the uber-oligarchs.
Bernie has made his message heard loud and clear and he can be proud of the important role he played this time around.
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Once again the short-hitters, the DNC, and Democratic Party powers-that-be seem to be deciding that they know better than the people. They shiver at the idea of a popular uprising and disruption of the status quo.
Know why these losers have so many holes in their shoes. It’s not because of poverty, not even close. It’s because they keep shooting themselves in the foot. They did it in 2016 and they are aiming low again in 2020.
Was Dumpster Fire Don a safe bet for the Republican party? Hell no!
If the Democratic Party wants to send DFT packing, they had better learn from recent history and go with a candidate who inspires the people with a call for radical change.