New Hope In Dark Matter Search

Robert Oldershaw
2 min readJul 1, 2019

Recently B. J. Carr et al posted a new preprint to the preprint repository. The title of the paper is “Cosmic Conundra Explained by Thermal History and Primordial Black Holes”.

Here is a list of astrophysical problems that can be solved with stellar-mass primordial black holes with a mass spectrum stretching from 10^-6 solar mass to 70 solar mass.

  1. Planetary-Mass Microlenses (observed but not expected, especially “rogues” not bound to stars.
  2. Quasar Microlensing (observed).
  3. OGLE/GAIA Excess of Dark Lenses in the Galactic Bulge (observed).
  4. Unexpected Correlation of Cosmic Infrared and X-ray Backgrounds (observed but not understood).
  5. Ultra-Faint Dwarf Galaxies (observed cutoff in size explained by stellar-mass PBHs).
  6. Mass, Spin and Merger Rates for LIGO/Virgo Black Holes (observed but not well understood).

Primordial Black Holes are natural products of the known thermal history of the observable universe. No exotic, and chronically AWOL, subatomic particles of dubious provenance are needed to explain the Dark Matter Enigma.

Here is a link to the paper for those who like to do deep dives in the ocean of scientific reasoning.

And here is something more for the deep divers.



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