New Paper (Zhu et al) On Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter
Observations of the motions of stars in the halos of dwarf galaxies could potentially provide more evidence for stellar-mass primordial black holes as the primary component of the dark matter.
Discrete Scale Relativity has predicted that stellar-mass primordial black holes make up almost all of the mass of the dark matter, and DSR has also predicted the exact mass peaks in the mass spectrum that ranges from 0.145 solar mass to approximately 35 solar mass for stable DM objects. The mass peaks occur preferentially at multiples of 0.145 solar mass.
If these predictions are verified, then two conclusions can be drawn: (1) DSR is the real deal, and (2) that a revolutionary new cosmological paradigm has superseded the current LambdaCDM cosmological paradigm.
Exciting times!