Newtonian Physics Also Had “ the equations, the results, and the answers”
Then came General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Why are theoretical physicists, and their spokespersons, always trying to convince us that their current models are going to last forever — end of story, move on.
Quantum mechanics correctly predicts experimental results, so far. And note that the experiments are chosen and set up with the assumptions of QM treated as virtual facts. Can anyone retrodict key facts like the mass of the electron, or why charge comes equal +/- units? Can anyone solve the vacuum energy density crisis? Can anyone solve the “measurement problem? Can anyone offer anything credible that resolves the incompatibility of General Relativity and QM. Can anyone resolve the 7 serious problems with the standard model of particle physics. Answers: No, no, no, no, no and seven more times no.
Quantum mechanics remains a “black box” theory that produces acceptable answers but in no way provides any conceptual explanation of how nature works at a fundamental, high resolution scale. If you reject conceptual understanding and accept only mathematical abstraction as the best we can do, science is impoverished.
There are other ways to understand nature that incorporate what is useful from QM but reject the smoke and mirrors. We should not give up on a deeper conceptual understanding of how nature works.