One Non-Trivial Quibble
When it is claimed that neutrinos are known to have mass, that is jumping the gun scientifically, since the empirical verification of that is still lacking.
The confidence in neutrino mass comes from the hypothesis of “neutrino mixing”. The neutrino results were causing serious problems a while back. For example the Sun appeared to be producing 6 times fewer neutrinos than theory required. The ad hoc solution was “neutrino mixing” wherein observable “flavors” of neutrinos changed “flavors” in mid-flight on the way to the Earth and it was claimed that the missing neutrinos were really arriving at Earth but they were not in detectable “flavors”.
“Neutrino Mixing” demands that neutrinos have mass. Unfortunately there is a fly in the theoretical soup. The empirically measured masses of neutrinos are still consistent with zero, as predicted by the Standard Model. And, the empirically measured speeds at which neutrinos travel is consistent with zero, a result that would require zero mass.
You can read a more detailed discussion of these issues here: