Response To Jay’s Questions
My answer, and what I think would be Einstein’s answer, to ‘what is left if all matter is removed’, is that one cannot possibly remove all matter from the Universe. Without matter there is no space or time or energy or geometry, i.e., no Universe. An important idea of Einstein’s relativity is that space and time are relational, and thus secondary to matter (i.e., mass/energy).
The Universe is, was, and always will be. It has always contained matter and always will. This is good news for its inhabitants.
Unfortunately, Discrete Scale Relativity is not even on the radar of the physical sciences community. That may change in the future if DSR is developed more fully and promoted more successfully by someone much more talented than me.
I have never been in it for money or prizes. My goal has always been to encourage others to consider the principles of discrete self-similar cosmology, so that they might continue a struggle that is millennia old. This cosmological paradigm will reach the light someday.
Sincere thanks for your generous comments.