Rudy! We Hardly Knew Ye!

Robert Oldershaw
1 min readNov 20, 2020

“Elite Strike Force” for Dumpster Fire Don? Surely you jest!

Sidney Powell claimed election interference by the 7 years dead Hugo Chavez, actually living Venezuelans, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, unnamed Cubans, the Chinese. She also claimed that the US army seized servers in Europe that were rigging the vote, and that voting machines were programmed to change Trump votes into Biden votes. She claimed that Trump won the election with 410 electoral votes. Perhaps Ms.Powell received this information from the ghost of Eugene McCarthy in a night visitation.

Is this an Elite Comedy Team trying to offer a little humor during these dark times? Or have Rudy and his team lost all touch with reality?

And what’s that brown liquid running down both sides of Rudy’s face?

SNL will have a field day with this!



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