Scenes We’d Like To See
The heated exchange between Jim Jordan and Anthony Fauci today reminded me of certain Senate hearings from long ago. Here is how I would have liked to see the exchange play out.
Jordan: Are protests spreading the virus?
Fauci: “Crowding together, particularly when you’re not wearing a mask, contributes to the spread of the virus.”
Jordan: “Should we limit the protesting?”
Fauci: “I’m not in a position to determine what the government can do in a forceful way.”
Jordan: “I haven’t seen people during a church service go out and harm police officers or burn buildings … No limit to protests, but you can’t go to church on Sunday … I have not seen one hair stylist who, between haircuts, goes out and attacks police or sets something on fire, but we’ve seen all kinds of that stuff during protests and we know the protests actually increased the spread of the virus. You’ve said that.”
Fauci: “I said crowds; I didn’t say protests do anything … Crowds are known, particularly when you don’t have a mask to increase the acquisition and transmission.”
Jordan: “Democrats encourage people to riot and protest in the streets.”
— — — — —wishful thinking below — — — — — —
Fauci: I am not a politician. Also I am not a big fan of demagoguery.
Jordan: Are you calling me a demagogue?
Fauci: No. Your behavior defines you.