Schrodinger Equation in Astrophysics!

Robert Oldershaw
2 min readMar 5, 2018

There is a new piece at highlighting some work by Knostantin Batygin that will be published in the 5 March 2018 issue of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Here is a link to the piece:

Basically Batygin has demonstrated that the Schrodinger equation of Quantum Mechanics fame can also be applied to astrophysical systems such as planetary systems and galaxies.

A relevant section from the piece is:

Additionally, adds Batygin, it is intriguing that two seemingly unrelated branches of physics — those that represent the largest and the smallest of scales in nature — can be governed by similar mathematics.

“This discovery is surprising because the Schrödinger Equation is an unlikely formula to arise when looking at distances on the order of light-years,” says Batygin. “The equations that are relevant to subatomic physics are generally not relevant to massive, astronomical phenomena. Thus, I was fascinated to find a situation in which an equation that is typically used only for very small systems also works in describing very large systems.”

When theoretical physicists finally realize that nature has one set of fundamental principles, geometric symmetries and conservation laws that applies to all of the discrete self-similar Scales of the cosmos (…Subquantum, Atomic, Stellar, Galactic,…), perhaps they will finally acknowledge that some of us have already made that basic discovery and have been waiting for them to catch up for decades.



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