Sincerely Embrace Enlightened Self-Interest?
If the human species is going to survive even a couple of centuries, then we will have to learn and commit to enlightened self-interest, as opposed to crude self-interest.
Humans have inherent self-interest and that is not going to change any time soon. But that does not mean it has to be crude self-interest and greed. Truly educated humans know that crude selfishness is a losing proposition in the long run. The only intelligent principle for living is enlightened self-interest wherein we realize that we are all in this together and that when we sacrifice for the greater good, we are actually acting in our own best interest.
Example. Some would say: “Why should I pay for schools; my kids are now grown adults.” That is crude self-interest. Enlightened self-interest says: “I am happy to support schools as much as I can because good schools mean smart kids, an educated electorate, a more vibrant culture, and a better economy. To do other wise hurts me in the long run and in many ways.
For the foreseeable future, we had better take care of this planet and each other. We are beginning to see the results of very crude self-interest, which began in earnest under the present administration. If this trend is not stopped and replaced by enlightened self-interest, then in one way or another we will be the proverbial “toast”