Whoa! Awesome!

Suddenly we are singing a different tune!

Robert Oldershaw


Some of us have been trying for decades to get physicists to acknowledge the lameness of the conventional cosmological paradigm, which required an acausal and highly unphysical “Grand AHWOOOM!” (thanks Kurt V.) transition from no space, time, or matter to a whole universe.

This was the typical pre-Copernican parochialism of theorists who think we are at the center of the universe and what we see must be all that there is to nature. Those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it, as they say.

We were assured that the conventional paradigm was demanded and proven by observations. Now we see them back-peddling. They still have no idea about how far they are going to have retrench before a credible cosmological paradigm is forced upon them by observations they cannot explain otherwise.

Another LIGO surprise coming soon: A 5th event involving much lower mass ultracompacts. Dark matter is composed of stellar-mass ultracompact objects, and physics will be changed forever when that is finally admitted.



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