Thanks For Your Response!
I really appreciate comments. Like you I have been waiting for decades for compelling evidence regarding the identity of the dark matter. The importance of this question for cosmology, astrophysics, and all of physics cannot be overestimated.
In the mid-1980s my research strongly indicated that the dark matter had to be in the form of stellar-mass and planetary-mass black holes. I published a paper [Astrophys. J., 322, 34–36, 1987] that specified their exact mass distribution. At that time there was little empirical evidence for for primordial black holes, but the empirical motivation for black hole dark matter has grown steadily since.
I would recommend that you take a close look at the linked paper below by Clesse et al.
In my opinion, stellar-mass primordial black holes are by far the best candidate for the dark matter. What has held progress back in dark matter research is an unwarranted bias in favor of WIMPs, and other forms of exotic particle candidates.
PBHs will win in the end, in my opinion. Hopefully before we are no longer around to enjoy the victory.