The cure is called enlightened self-interest.
When the world is ruled by unenlightened self-interest, i.e., greed, ends justify means, and winner takes all, then you get the results you lament. Enlightened self-interest emphasizes the WE instead of the ME, and categorically rejects the US/THEM trope.
If the people elected officials with a sincere commitment to enlightened self-interest, this world would be a very different place. Alas, many among us can be fooled by demagogues who pray upon human weaknesses and under-education.
Change for the better is potentiated from the top down but the systemic change comes largely from the bottom up, by the majority demanding a more just society for everyone, and voting intelligently.
As we choose a president in 2020, we all need to use rational evidence-based thinking and evaluation to determine who is the real deal, i.e., who really stands behind his words with a history of consistency, genuine concern for people at all socioeconomic levels, and true integrity.
Obviously Dumpster Fire Don fails on all criteria.
“The cause of freedom is not the cause of a race or a sect, a party or a class — it is the cause of humankind and the very birthright of humanity.”
Anna Julia Cooper