The Hierarchy Problem Of Particle Physics
The hierarchy problem of particle physics is easy to understand. The Planck mass (M = sqrt of hc/G) is about 0.02 milligrams, which is roughly comparable to some microbes! But the fundamental particles of particle physics are typically 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 +/- 10³ times less massive. That is worse than missing by a mile, or a by planet, or by a galaxy.
Happily, Discrete Scale Relativity can solve this problem with ease. The conventional Planck mass is incorrect because it is arbitrarily constructed using a chimera of an Atomic Scale constant (h), a completely scale invariant constant (c), and a Stellar Scale value for G. The fundamental and discrete self-similar scaling equations of Discrete Scale Relativity say that the Atomic Scale value of G is 10³⁸ times larger than the usual Newtonian value. When you put this into the calculation of the Planck mass, the value is reduced by about 10,000,000,000,000,000,000 and is very close to the proton’s mass.
DSR scaling for gravitation also resolves the enigmatic Vacuum Energy Density Crisis, and it the correctly retrodicts the mass of the proton using the Einstein-Maxwell field equations for a Kerr-Newman ultracompact object.
There ya go, particle physicists. No charge.