ID The Dark Matter Or Show Some Humility
The dark matter constitutes the overwhelming majority of matter in the cosmos. If you cannot say, or predict, what it is then you cannot claim to have a good understanding of the cosmos, far less a comprehensive one.
The Standard Model of particle physics draws a complete blank when it comes to identifying the dark matter.
String Theory makes no testable predictions at all.
Supersymmetry has predicted a stable of candidates, but all have been No-Shows, and the theory is “plastic” enough so proponents can always say their candidates are hiding at untestable energies. Is that what passes for prediction in science today?
Has physics become metaphysics, endlessly pontificating about effectively untestable pipe dreams?
ADDENDUM: Supergravity theory, a 40 year-old mash-up of supersymmetry and string theory that has never had a successful prediction, has been awarded a $3,000,000 award for its fabricators. Failure is the new success? Read all about it here:
2ND ADDENDUM: Not discouraged by 45 years of negative results, a team of 250 scientists working on a project called the LUX-ZEPLIN detector spent 13,500 hours assembling the many components of this new WIMP detector. The cost to the public is not mentioned. It has been in development since 2015, and all previous iterations have come up empty handed. You see, the pot of WIMPs at the end of the rainbow is always just over the next hill.
Read all about it here:
The usual cheerleaders continue to hype the particle dark matter Ponzi scheme:
One can only hope that the primordial black hole candidacy, which has been growing in motivation and submissions since the LIGO results, will finally make particle dark matter fiasco mute, and provide a wake-up call for the zealots of the particle physics community.