There Is Always An Alternative To Creationism
Let’s face it, the standard Big Bang hypothesis is a creationist hypothesis. First there was no space, time, matter. All the energy of the future cosmos was in a singularity that had no size whatsoever. Were there angels dancing on the singularity? Then the gods said ‘this is boring’ and decided to entertain themselves with some nifty fireworks. Voila, the cosmos was created in a zillionth of a second. Ab Nihilo creationism, pretty much.
Sure thing. But quasars and supermassive black holes might have also been survivors of a Big Bounce event analogous to a supernova on an unimaginably large scale, with a pre-existing system that undergoes a global collapse, and then you get your BANG! But there is no ab nihilo creationism in this paradigm. Just normal astrophysics taking place on a cosmological scale.
No doubt there are variations on this paradigm and other alternative paradigms. Science errs when it puts all its faith (and that is exactly what it is) in one speculative hypothesis and ignores other possibilities.