Robert Oldershaw
3 min readSep 8, 2017



In recent years there has been considerable discussion of something referred to as the “Deep State”.

The left-wing version of the Deep State has been defined recently as elite neo-conservative globalists in “the intelligence community, the military-industrial complex, the plutocrats of big oil, Wall Street, Silicon Valley etc., and the corporate media” (author’s ID omitted out of kindness).

The right-wing version of the Deep State is defined as elite liberal globalists in the above-mentioned groups.

However, I think there is a problem with these dueling conspiracy theories. The “Deep State” may only be the human condition which is a product of human nature, and that has not changed much in the last 10,000 years.

Do all these groups really work in concert to achieve their nefarious goal of world domination? HA! They regularly turn on each other and back stab when their separate and unique plans are challenged by their supposed conspirators. What you have is distinct groups driven by their own very selfish agendas. Sometimes their agendas compliment each other and they cooperate with each other, but when their agendas conflict then out comes the knives and the behind-the-scenes campaigns of dirty tricks and outright “war”.

It was no different 1,000 years ago in feudal society when warlords would sometimes cooperate and sometimes engage in bizarre back-stabbing and wars. At this chaotic mix of self-interest groups will probably go on forever. It has just become exceedingly larger and exponentially more complex.

To get rid of the “Deep State” you would have to get rid of humans and/or replace them with completely rational AI systems that can both understand and practice enlightened self-interest. Even in the latter case I suspect that cooperation and order would slowly decay and chaos would be reborn like the Phoenix.

As to the idea that the “Deep State” could be vanquished and replaced with a Utopian Society of humans, well, that has been tried many times before and it has failed every time. Either they collapsed from internal chaos, or were wiped out by more aggressive external groups. The reason for those failures were no surprise to any intelligent person: basic human nature.

We might as well admit that we are not perfect. Far too many of us are crudely selfish and far too few appreciate and practice the principle of enlightened self-interest. We can always do better and education is the key here. But we can only work with the human nature that nature has given us, and that has existed for millennia and it is not going to change quickly in the future.

I have kept this discussion to a minimum. I expect considerable disagreement from the left, right, center, and totally whacked. I would be happy to discuss these issues further with interested readers.



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