We Definitely Agree On One Thing

Robert Oldershaw
1 min readDec 13, 2017

We agree on the idea that one mathematical model cannot explain everything in the cosmos. Theories of everything are bullsh*t in my opinion. And I am definitely not working on one.

That said, however, I firmly believe that Nature is fully unified and that there are principles, like conservation of mass/energy and universal causality, that characterize the cosmos, including physics, chemistry, biology and the rest.

The cosmos is incredibly complex, and the various interactions within the cosmos are unimaginably complicated. No one equation is going to model the whole thing. There are at least two fundamental interactions (GR and EM). Then there is deterministic chaos, nonlinear dynamical systems, thermodynamics (equilibrium and non-equilibrium versions, quantum mechanics, evolution, ontogeny, biological diversity, and on and on.

One mathematical model? Hah, that’s a Platonic absurdity!

But the fundamental principles are the glue that unifies the whole. And I believe that discrete cosmological self-similarity, a form of discrete conformal invariance, is a new and very fundamental principle that we are finally becoming aware of. In my opinion, which I learned from the mathematcian Jacob Bronowski (“Ascent of Man”), empirically based concepts are primary and mathematical formulation of such are secondary. These fundamental conceptual principles are the real ultimate goals in science.



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