I don’t mean to be overly rude or contentious, but there is a serious problem with the theoretical side of particle physics.
So far the LHC has found:
no string/brane exotica,
no sparticles,
no WIMPs (or any other particle dark matter),
no supersymmetry exotica,
no extra-dimensions,
no magnetic monopoles,
no mini-black holes,
no Randall-Sundrum 5-D phenomena (gravitons, K-K gluons, etc.),
no evidence for ADS/CFT duality,
no colorons (axigluons),
no gluinos,
no leptoquarks,
no “excited” (or bored) quarks,
no lazy photons,
no fractionally charged particles,
and nothing beyond the standard model, which has 26–30 adjustable parameters, and which cannot say anything about the dark matter [i.e., virtually everything].
Then there is the 120 orders-of-magnitude vacuum energy density crisis.
Then there is the unnatural and theoretically awkward conventional Planck mass, which bears no resemblance to anything in nature.
Is it reasonable to just say: “Well, we have to go to yet higher energies”, and make that dodge sound credible by saying that ‘we expected this’ when in fact the pre-LHC hype about what would be found was laid on thick and the present non-results were called “The Nightmare Scenario”?
The relevant question is: Do we keep adding epicycles to the faltering aged paradigm, or do we begin the search for a revolutionary new paradigm that can make definitive predictions, that can be experimentally verified, and that can provide simple and natural answers to fundamental problems?
Robert L. Oldershaw
Discrete Scale Relativity