Wheels Off Bus Already!

Robert Oldershaw
2 min readMar 8, 2018


Well that did not take long.

The 3/7/18 arxiv.org preprint repository includes the following paper that expresses serious doubt about the speculative, knee-jerk particle dark matter interpretation of the EDGES early universe results, and the regrettable amount of media hype heaped on that dubious interpretation.

Here is the key conclusion from the abstract:

“ The only range of [particle dark matter] models that remains viable is that in which a small fraction, ~ 0.3–2%, of the dark matter consists of particles with a mass of ~ 10–80 MeV and which couple to the photon through a small electric charge, epsilon ~ 10^{-6}-10^{-4}. Furthermore, in order to avoid being overproduced in the early universe, such models must be supplemented with an additional depletion mechanism, such as annihilations through a L_{\mu}-L_{\tau} gauge boson or annihilations to a pair of rapidly decaying hidden sector scalars.”

Will the authors of the interpretation and their science media enablers retract their hype? Doubtful! And certainly they will not draw your attention to other papers arguing that stellar-mass primordial black holes offer credible interpretations of the 21-cm anomaly, like this recent effort https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.01815.

So much bias among those who supposedly eschew bias.



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