Whose “Golden Rule”?
When it is claimed that we should: “ follow the golden rule of science: never attribute an exotic explanation where a mundane one would suffice,” I wonder if this is valid scientific advice.
Sure I agree with Occam’s razor that generally an elegant answer is more likely to be correct than a complicated one that involves smoke and mirrors.
But in science, one should also follow ideas wherever they lead, even if that puts the lie to cherished beliefs. It is important to explore all possibilities without prejudice.
Sometimes we are greatly surprised when an “exotic” explanation (like General Relativity in the case of gravitation) actually offers a better explanation than the centuries old conventional one.
Academics are far too eager to say: “move along; nothing new to see here”. On the other hand, the biggest advances in science tell us to ignore this attitude, while maintaining an open mind and a healthy skepticism of all proposed explanations.