Yo, Food Industry Criminals!
The article linked to below tells a sordid tale of how these white collar criminals are using social media “influencers” to peddle unhealthy food to children.
This has been going on a long time via television, but now social media platforms like YouTube have given bad actors the opportunity to taken things to a whole new new level. One has to ask of the corporate creeps: “Have you no shame?” You put dollars over the health of children?
Where are our intrepid politicians who put public health over the donation/bribes they take from these creeps? Ever heard of regulation in the public interest?
And these “influencers” need to dig deep and find enough integrity to say “NO!” to monetary temptation when it comes to harming others.
And QAnon, maybe you might try to partially redeem yourselves by attacking an actual group of people who really are harming children.